1- Associate Professor,Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr Branch, Ghaemshahr, Iran , mo_tabari@yahoo.com 2- PhD Student, Ghaemshahr Branch of Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran 3- Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract: (1432 Views)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to review the literature related to the organizational values model with emphasis on talent management, and the study of this research is the "National Iranian Gas Company". To extract the basic components, two methods of studying the extensive library and Delphi technique were used using 15 academic and corporate experts. The experts were selected by purposive judgmental sampling. Finally, 45 components were categorized into 6 dimensions: individual values, professional ethics, organizational, group, spiritual, psychological and social. Kendall's coordination coefficient was 0.804, indicating a strong consensus among the panel of experts. This research showed; Paying attention to the values of talents and institutionalizing important values in their view, such as challenging work, continuous learning, maintaining self-esteem, giving them independence and freedom, etc., should be among the priorities of the National Iranian Gas Company.
Tabari M, Fardi Azar A, Iranzadeh S. Designing and explaining the organizational values model with emphasis on talent management in the National Iranian Gas Company. Strategic studies in the oil and energy industry 2021; 13 (49) :12-12 URL: http://iieshrm.ir/article-1-1237-en.html