1- PhD Candidate in Technology Management, Department of Management, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran 2- Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran , Mehrdad.shakib@kiau.ac.ir 3- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Abstract: (1278 Views)
In recent decades, innovation management has always been considered by researchers. Their efforts to improve the performance of this process is ongoing. In this research, in order to design a model for managing innovation process routines, first, by reviewing previous studies, the relevant indicators were extracted and a model was presented after performing the fuzzy Delphi technique and the experts reached a consensus. To implement the model designed in ANFIS, a questionnaire was used (survey method). The designed rules came with an acceptable error with 40 training courses. Findings showed that the organizational factor is the most important variable and educational factor is in the last rank. Therefore, it is suggested that following measures should be taken: establishment of Iran Gas Turbine Center, stabilizing organizational routines as the main source of innovation, creating a suitable environment for cultural and social interactions, deepening innovative capabilities and increase technical and managerial skills.
Ghazizadeh H R, Hosseini Shakib M, Khamseh A. Innovation Process Routine Management Model in Gas Turbine Companies
(based on Neural Network approach). Strategic studies in the oil and energy industry 2022; 14 (53) :4-4 URL: http://iieshrm.ir/article-1-1390-en.html