Since decision making is one of key tasks of the managers in an organization and it has been the core of the management, the related factors which affects is have always been of interest for the researchers. Thus in this paper, the relationship between emotional intelligence and decision making style (based on rational, intuitive, dependency, momentary and avoiding decision making styles) of the managers of the Institute of International Energy Studies have been studied. For this purpose, among 50 managers of the International Institute for Energy Studies, 44 managers were selected as the statistical sample. Emotional intelligence data were collected by using the Siberia sharing emotional intelligence questionnaire and decision making style data were gathered by Scott and Bruce decision making questionnaire. The content validity of the two questionnaires was reviewed and confirmed by the opinion of the professionals and technical people. For checking of questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha was calculated by SPSS software. The emotional intelligence questionnaire was 0.81 and for decision making style questionnaire 0.76. Pearson correlation test was used to explain the relationship between emotional intelligence and five decision making styles. The results show that there is a meaningful and negative relationship between emotional intelligence and rational and avoiding decision styles of decision making of managers. There is a meaningful and positive correlation between emotional intelligence, and intuitive and momentary decision making style of managers. There was no meaningful relationship between emotional intelligence and dependency decision making style in this study. In this study structural equations model is used because in the present study an independent variable (emotional intelligence) with a variety of dimensions are conceded , and each dimension in sub-hypotheses is take as an independent variable that its effect on dependent variables (types of decision-making styles) shall be examined.
Lajevardi S J, Kokabi S. Studying the Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Quality of Decision Making of Managers
(Case: Institute of International Energy Studies
. Strategic studies in the oil and energy industry 2016; 8 (29) :79-97 URL: